The Architect’s Guardian: Awakening

Awakening will be available October 10, 2023! This sci-fi, m/m romance is the first book in The Architect’s Guardian Series, featuring Armando Medina and Izdahl Amasi.

Cover by Deranged Doctor Design.

Book cover for Awakening, by Octavia Atlas. Two male characters stand on the smoky streets of a city. One of the characters has massive black wings and releases flames from his right hand, while standing protectively by the other male.

Armando Medina suffered a tragic loss at the hands of some Nitelvosa, supernatural beings who control his world. For decades, he’s been unable to forget the horrific night when his life changed.

Izdahl Amasi, a member of a prominent Nitelvosa family, had briefly dated Armando. He’d hoped for much more, but Armando’s trauma drove a painful wedge between them. With each passing day, Izdahl’s heart grew heavier, as he thought of what could have been.

Now, Armando and Izdahl find themselves connected in unexpected ways. Despite how much Armando tries to avoid the truth of their attraction, he’s drawn to Izdahl. Looming over them are events from Armando’s youth and the mystery of who’s responsible for his anguish. Can Armando open his heart and trust Izdahl? Or will Izdahl stop believing they have a chance?

Content warning: deaths of minor characters, discussion of trauma, severe injuries to characters.

New Sci-Fi Romance Series!

Cityscape with birds flying. The city is divided by a wide river with a bridge. One side of the city has a massive figure with wings, kneeling above the buildings.

Since I’ve completed The Agitator’s Code Series, my focus is on publishing Awakening this summer. It will be book one in The Architect’s Guardian, a new exciting sci-fi series.

The main characters in this m/m romance are Armando Medina and Izdahl Amasi. While they were close during their childhood, tragic circumstances separated them. As a result, they must navigate difficult paths. The series explores how strongly connected they are, what they’re willing to do for each other, and the impact they’ll have on their society. At the center of the chaos is a mystery about Armando and his family.

One of my favorite parts of writing is worldbuilding. That’s definitely the case with this series. Humans aren’t on Earth. They’re on Planet Ghenza, home to the Nitelvosa. The Nitelvosa are imposing beings who fly, wield the elements, and perform various types of magic. Some Nitelvosa are much more powerful than others, and not all are in favor of Humans. In addition, the Nitelvosa have conflicts among themselves that are held in check by shaky truces.

Izdahl comes from a prominent Nitelvosa family, while Armando is from a Human family that sought more societal influence. How will Armando and Izdahl navigate tricky internal and external conflicts? Find out soon!

Be on the lookout for my cover reveal and a pre-order link. 😉

The Architect’s Guardian: New Chapters

I haven’t forgotten about The Architect’s Guardian. Soon, I’ll post new chapters. These upcoming portions will round out the first book about Armando and Izdahl.

I have plans to expand their tale, as they learn more about their abilities. Armando, especially, has a major journey to make.





Architect’s Guardian: Chapter 11

The Architect’s Guardian Chapter 11 has been posted!  Here are a few snippets:

  1. When he touched the disk of blood around his neck, Rasmus saw the image of Armando walking his horse. Once again, he found himself wishing that he could be with the architect.
  2. Armando replayed in his mind how he had last spoken to Izdahl. The argument had surprised him, being the complete opposite of what he’d hoped would happen that night. He’d wanted to celebrate with Izdahl.