Mass Effect N7 Day 2016: Meet Valena Shepard!

It’s Mass Effect N7 Day, an annual celebration of the awesome sci-fi action RPG series.

BioWare is expected to release a new game, Mass Effect: Andromeda, in early 2017. In the meantime, I’ve been replaying the current 3 games. Here are screenshots from Mass Effect 2 of my character, Valena Shepard.

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The Architect’s Guardian: Chapter 47

puzzle-1152792_1280Armando, Izdahl and Dagmar are all seeking the truth, in different ways, in The Architect’s Guardian, Chapter 47. Here’s an excerpt:

Armando chose not to offer a denial about Dagmar’s speculation, as doing so would have sounded hollow. Dagmar didn’t press for an answer. He wasn’t particularly interested in one, as there was a larger matter. As opposed to what he’d led Armando to believe, the shield wasn’t the reason he’d wanted the architect in his home. 

